Hey all you lovely people!! It's a new year! Man *high fives* to all of us because we survived another year! HA! GO US!!

But now that 2015 is behind us and punching our butts, let's do this 2016 thing, because...it's the future!!
So I got lots o' news about new things for you!! NEW!!! (that's the word of the day today. When you say it, you get an M&M. It's a peanut M&M by the way, not one of those bland, boring, just chocolate in the middle ones. Pftt, that's just gross!) If you hop over to my newly *munch munch munch* redesigned print shop, you'll find all sorts of goodies, like 8 new prints, a new sticker that's all Ragechul-awesomeness and the new 2016 Digital Desktop Calendar!!!

And thennnnnn...there is my new Black Cat cosplay gallery I just added to my cosplay gallery!!
Lastly...there is a whole kabobble of new stuff going up on my Patreon in the next few weeks!! So you should scoot dem little eyeballs over there too!! Well, that is if you like things that are AWESOME!!!